Josiah Akanbi, popularly known as “Josy” Ajiboye was born into a chieftaincy family in Erinmope Ekiti, Ekiti State of Nigeria. Josy’s father was a high chief in Erinmope Ekiti and this gave little “Josy” the privilege of growing up in an artistic environment. It could be said that Josy’s background and the environment he grew up as a child played a part in his painting style of romantic naturalism and his works which are thematically mostly centered on nature and culture.
He had his advanced training at Yaba College of Technology between 1963 and 1965 where he majored in Illustration, Commercial Art and Painting. He worked for several media organizations before joining Daily Times as a cartoonist in 1971; he retired from Daily Times in 2000 as the Group Art Editor. It was at Daily Times that he carved a niche for himself as a veteran cartoonist. He used realism as medium in his cartoons to comment on cultural, political and social issues in Nigeria.
After retirement, Josy went into full time studio practice and had since gained popularity as a painter. He held his first solo art exhibition at the Gong Gallery in 1977 and had since held several solo exhibitions. In 2008, Josy and members of his family, who are also artists held an exhibition in Lagos.
Josy’s works have become sought after by art lovers, patrons and collectors within and outside Nigeria. He is a member of Society of Nigerian Artists (SNA), Lagos State.